Volunteer Awards
Two adult volunteers smiling together
Submit a nomination

Nominated volunteers are recognized at an annual celebration in the spring.

Recognizes a volunteer during their first three years for service beyond the expectations for the position, or recognizes volunteers who have volunteered a minimum of 6 months to maximum of 36 months who have contributed outstanding service of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience directly to girls. Nominees must be a registered volunteer in good standing.

Requirements:  Nomination letter only
The Volunteer of Excellence award recognizes those volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the national program portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members. 

An example of a good candidate:  A third year Troop Leader who is active at events, does several types of badges and activities, and who has supported their troop in doing multiple service projects each year. The troop has continued to grow, and the troop members are having an amazing experience.

Requirements:  Nomination letter, plus one endorsement letter

Recognizes a volunteer who has continued to deliver outstanding service for 2 or more years after receiving the Volunteer of Excellence Award. Nominees must be a registered volunteer in good standing.

An example of a good candidate: A volunteer who has served as a troop leader for 6 years, and has helped host the service unit cookie rally the last two years.

Requirements:  Nomination letter, plus one endorsement

The Appreciation Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, which has had measurable impact on one Service Unit, helps reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the area.

An example of a good candidate:  A Service Unit Product Manager in their 4th year, who partnered with a local grocery store to create an opportunity for troops to do cookie booths there. They are supportive of leaders during product programs, and have contributed to 3 sustained years of growth in product sale participation within the Service Unit.

Nomination letter, plus two endorsement letters

Recognizes a volunteer who has continued to deliver exemplary service in at least one Service Unit for 2 or more years after receiving the Appreciation Pin. Nominees must be a registered volunteer in good standing.

An example of a good candidate: A third year Service Unit Director who has served on multiple service unit team roles over the past 8 years, and received the Appreciation Pin 4 years ago for their work as a Service Unit Product Manager.

Requirements: Nomination letter, plus two endorsements

The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, which has had measurable impact on two or more Service Units, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals.

An example of a good candidate:  A volunteer served on the Volunteer STEM committee for a three year term, and has hosted a regional STEM event the last 3 years serving Girl Scouts in the Quad Cities region.

Requirements:  Nomination, plus three endorsement letters

The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement. The outstanding service performed by the candidate resulted in outcomes that benefitted the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and is so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.

An example of a good candidate: A volunteer who created a volunteer-led day camp event for the service unit. As they continued to invite Girl Scouts from other service units, it grew to become a council-wide event, serving hundreds of Girl Scouts from across the council over 8 years.

Requirements: Nomination, plus four endorsement letters

The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in a measurable impact that benefits the entire Girl Scout Movement. 

 Nomination, plus four endorsement letters
Recognizes a service unit team who surpasses team goals and results in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals
This award is for short-term or episodic community volunteers, typically working with a program or event, but could include interns as well.

Volunteer and Membership Year Pin Service Units or individuals may purchase membership year numerals and volunteer year pins (5-15 years) as they are earned.  The council purchases volunteer pins for 20+ years and honor these volunteers at the Annual Meeting and Volunteer Celebration.

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